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[講座] 基層治理社會工作:中國內地社會工作的專業化路徑及其理論依據 - 2022年3月14日
Talk and Seminar

China and Global Development Network invited Professor Tong Min from the School of Sociology and Anthropology, Xiamen University, to deliver seminar speech entitled “Grassroots governance and social work: The professionalisation of social work in Mainland China and its theoretical basis” in March 14, 2022. Professor Tong Min’s speech constitutes the monthly research seminar series of our network.

Professor Tong Min provided a panoramic review and analysis of the major changes in social work in Mainland China in recent years. He further accentuated that the professionalisation of social work in Mainland China is deeply situated at community level, closely intertwined with grassroots governance reform advocated by central government, and ultimately aimed at solving the daily life problems of the general public. Meanwhile, Professor Tong Min highlighted the theoretical basis for recent changes of China’s social work field and emphasised the necessity for social work researchers and practitioners to deploy contextualised logic when carrying out social work practices.

During the Q & A session, participants expressed their resonance with speaker when sharing experience of serving community. The audiences asked Professor Tong Min about how to operationalise contextualised logic in their social work practice and how to define “realistic constructivism”.

The seminar received high attention from academia and social work practitioners from Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, China and overseas. More than 400 participants successfully registered and audited the seminar.