Artwork by Molly Crabapple
Our Spring 2021 issue, out April 5, features a special section on the global economy. “The pandemic is exacerbating already troubling trends, raising the prospect of a lost decade atop another lost decade,” Mark Levinson and Julia Ott write in their introduction to the section. “But the current rules and institutions are not unchangeable.”
In the section (with cover art by Molly Crabapple):Tim Barker on stagnation and development;Jenny Chan on the Chinese workers making Apple products in Foxconn megafactories; Fred Block on how oligarchic wealth distorts economic data; Penelope Kyritsis and Genevieve LeBaron on the widespread hunger among textile workers; Walden Bello on the declining legitimacy of the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO; a roundtable on a global Green New Deal with Kate Aronoff, Richard Kozul-Wright, Asad Rehman, Thea Riofrancos, and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò; and Anakwa Dwamena on the limits of East Africa’s sweatshops as a springboard for industrialization.
Also in the issue: Lyra Walsh Fuchs on NXIVM and the cult of capitalism; Matt Weir on Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal; Humberto Beck, Carlos Bravo Regidor, and Patrick Iber on AMLO; Daniel Boguslaw on the labor of wildland firefighting; Margaret Morganroth Gullette on what the pandemic revealed about how Americans treat the elderly; Colin Gordon on how COVID-19 has shifted social risk; and Nic Yeager on Pauli Murray.
And in the book review section: Sophie Pinkham on the relationship between Big Pharma and illicit drugs; Jake Rosenfeld on majority-minority myths; Joshua B. Freeman on London’s socialist history; Aryeh Neier on the Supreme Court; Kate Redburn on Christopher Chitty’s Sexual Hegemony; and Divya Subramanian on migrant workers in India.
![Global Economic Disorder A preview of our Spring 2021 issue. - 25 March 2021](/uploads/image/202306/5898475e722bf15300e0c01960519cc0.png)