

China Journal of Social Work
China Journal of Social Work (《中國社會工作期刊》) 是首本由中國內地和香港聯合編輯,關注中國社會工作發展的英文學術期刊。由北京大學 – 香港理工大學中國社會工作研究中心聯合出版 檢視出版名錄
Socioeconomic inequalities in mental distress and life satisfaction among older Chinese men and women: The role of family functioning. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(4), 1270-1281.
陈涓, Bai, X., Li, Z., Liu, C., & Wu, X.
24 Feb 2020 檢視
Rural revitalization, scholars, and the dynamics of the collective future in China. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48(4), 853–874.
古学斌, Yan, Hairong, Xu, Siyuan
20 Jan 2020 檢視
Using active aging and co-creation service projects to change the attitude towards elders and enhance the competence development of university students from China, Japan and Korea, ICSL 2019, Hong Kong
古学斌, Au, H. S., Chung, Y. Y., Lee, B., & Fok, E. S. L.
01 Jan 2020 檢視Special Issue: Criminal Justice and Social Work in Chinese Context. China Journal of Social Work 13 (2). Abingdon: Routledge
李紫媚, Reamer, F., I. Y. Sun
01 Jan 2020 檢視